About Me

Hi I’m Jan. I believe in the beauty 🌟 and power 💪 of mathematics. By teaming up with like-minded people 👥, I love to translate math into code 💻 to find intelligent solutions for real world problems.

This mission led me to study Data Science for my Master’s at ETH.

During research projects at ETH and Harvard, I worked on problems in computer vision and scientific computing:

If this text resonates with you, feel free to reach out. I love meeting new people. You can reach me at vbjan[at]ethz[dot]ch.


You can find an up-to-date collection of my publications on Google Scholar.


Autograd: [Link]: Automatic differentiation and gradient descent from scratch for arbitrary optimization problems.

Tree Branch Detection [Link]: Depth estimation of leafless branch structure given RGB-D image of tree using CNN.

Bachelor Thesis on Neural ODEs [Link]: Depth estimation of leafless branch structure given an RGB-D image of a tree using CNN.

Gaussian Processes for Control [Link]: Studying Gaussian Processes and writing a comprehensive report on methods of propagating uncertainty for control purposes.

Webscraping Bot [Link]: Automation of gym reservations.

2D-FEM on L-shape Domain [Link]: Numerical approximation of the stationary reaction diffusion equation on L-shape domain.